• "Murphy’s ability to retain the sense of the clown, yet tie the sci-fi details together into a cohesive story arch is amazing. She never breaks character, her cheery American pep and optimism fits perfectly within the premise… Candle House Collective have found a winning star in Katy Murphy and a winning recipe in Next Time!"

    – Gabriel Wilding, Everything Theatre UK

  • "the excellent actors [Katy & the Candle House Collective ensemble] not only play their characters convincingly but are quite adept at handling any hesitation without pressuring you to answer."

    — Michael Dale, Broadway World

  • "caffeinated... Kafkaesque"

    — Helen Shaw, Vulture

  • "My 3-year-old woke up from a nightmare right when the caseworker [played by Murphy] wanted to know if I had ever been immobilized with fear, and the conversation may have turned curt. 'READ THE ROOM,' I scrawled in my notebook… A few minutes later, I spoke to The Operator again, although this time he identified himself as Evan Neiden, Candle House’s founder. 'Every single call is different,' he said. 'You got one of at least a few endings. The focus is always on storytelling as a conduit for connection.' I thought back to how the caseworker’s call had ended, with a goofy twist that walked back most of the horror. She *had* read the room."

    — Alexis Soloski, The New York Times

  • "An Inquisitor, played by the lively and engaging Katy Murphy, is on the other end of your cell phone during this unique theatrical experience."

    – Michele Markarian, New England Theater Mirror

  • "By the end, [i cut myself shaving and it bled so much] reveals the twisted moral game you may not have realized you were playing as it ties together its themes of class, unions, and solidarity into a moment of choice. That moment crystallizes the show, and pulls together some of the random-seeming elements into clear focus. It also speaks to the strong performances during the show to build a relationship with the audience that makes the choice difficult."

    -Kevin Gossett, No Proscenium